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The Royal Opera
Music Director Designate
Jakub Hrůša
Director of Opera
Oliver Mears

Recitals at Lunch

Cast sheet

Monday 21 October 2024



Please note that casting is subject to change up until the start of the performance. Please continue to check the website for the most up-to-date information.

Approximate timings

The performance will last approximately 45–50 minutes

Director of Learning & Participation

Jillian Barker

Head of Opera Learning & Participation

Tom Floyd

Opera Officer (Community)

Niamh Murphy

Daytime Event Producer

Chantel Nash

Daytime Assistant Event Producer

Nikki Cima

Daytime Event Officer

Georgia Kingsman

Daytime Event Apprentice

Jasmine Kaitell



Germán E. Alcántara


Knut Jacques


HM The King

Music Director

Sir Antonio Pappano CVO

Director of Opera

Oliver Mears

Director of Casting

Peter Mario Katona

Administrative Director

Cormac Simms

Canciones del Alba (Songs of the Dawn) – Carlos Guastavino and León Benarós

– Los llantos del alba

Canciones del Alba – Carlos Guastavino and León Benarós


– Los llantos del alba

– El cerro estaba plateado

– El paso de las estrellas

– El albeador


Coplas Puntanas – Ana Carrique and Alfredo R. Bufano


I – Hay una flor en los cerros

II – Retamal, retamalito...

III – Guardé el secreto hasta ahora...

IV – Por las sendas del Trapiche

V –  En mi rancho de las sierras

VI – De San Francisco me vengo...

VII – Los llaneros de Facundo

VIII – Tengo prendida en el pecho...

IX – Con caja, violín y bombo

X – ¡Bien haya la Lujanera!

XI – En San Luis no te enamores

XII – Capillita de Renca

XIII – Pajarito de la nieve

XIV – En vano me has de buscar

XV – A patay huele la luna...


Tres Cantares Tucumanos – Enrique Mario Casella and R. Jijena Sanchez


I – De la montaña hasta el río…

II – Ponete el vestido blanco…

III – Dame, dame tu linda boquita…


Cantares Cuyanos – Julio Perceval and Juan Draghi Lucero


I – Del rosal nace la rosa

II – Triste me voy a los campos

III – De todo te acordaras

IV – Si acaso crees mi alma

V – No se puede, no se puede

VI – Te he soñado

VII – Simpatías amorosas

VIII – La Madrugada




Canciones del Alba (Songs of the Dawn)


I – The crying of the dawn


The Sun wants to rise

And the Moon fades away

Trembling upon the roses

The crying of the dawn


The crying of the dawn trembles

With its polished diamonds

And drenches with its freshness

The awakened fields


Oh love, when will it be

That the morning comes to us,

Beautiful to watch together

The crying of the dawn.

The crying of the dawn.


II –  The hill was silver


The hill was silver,

Then it turned pink.

The dawn spread over the field

its  wings of butterflies.


The day was rounded

In the crystal of the sphere.

Blues responded

With spring greens.


The air left golden

The light that illuminated the hill.

The dark thrush enjoyed

The most thrush-like life.


The hill was silver

In glory it smiled.

Travelling pigeons say

Where has my joy gone.


III – The crossing of the stars


The crossing of the stars

I don't know what sorrow it announces to me.

I don't know what grave fate

When the day is pronounced.


The air has no government

Nor commitments the wind.

Who trusts in fickle love

Has no contentment.


Maybe you'll go tomorrow

Better that it not happen.

Sorrow forewarned me the dawn

if only it were not to dawn


IV – They early riser


Mocito*, the dawn's coming...

Let's get up the albeadores!1

Who knows how to get there first

Enjoys the best fruits.


Spring is on the rise,

It’s painting Trees,

With bows of new loves

The feelings is tying.


From the hill a boy came down

Looking after his fold.

To the whistle he knows well

His sweetheart responds.


As soon as the day dawns

I get up and take myself there,

As it is for the early riser

The grace of new love.


*Mocito: Young person


Puntanas Couplets [from San Luis, Province of Argentina]


I – There’s a flower in the hills


There is a flower in the hills

Named Santa Lucia

The one that betrayed my desires

The same name it had


II – Retamal, retamalito... [from Retama; like the Gorse]


Retamal, retamalito

That in yellows you bloom

So that my girlfriend may have

Scorn to offend me with.


III – I kept the secret until now...


I kept the secret until now

But today I tell my secret.

My weeping filled with salts

The waters of the trough.


IV – Through the paths of Trapiche [sugar mill]


On the paths of the Trapiche

Don't go wandering,

There are more beautiful puntanas [from San Luis]

Than talas [trees] in the talar [woods].


V – At my ranch in the saws


On my ranch in the sierras

A tala [tree] and your love I planted,

The tala already gives me shade

But your love is gone.


VI – From San Francisco I come...


From San Francisco I come

And to San Francisco I'm going,

There's no prettier town

For the pains of the heart.


VII – The plainsmen of Facundo


The plainsmen of Facundo

When they entered in Luján [city of…]

And they saw your virginal face

They began to pray.


VIII – I've got it pinned to my chest...


I have pinned to my chest

A sprig of chaguar [type of plant]

It mustn't be you, my precious one


IX – With caja [quechua snare drum] and violin


With caja and violin, violin and bombo [Arg. drum]

I’ll ask to be buried

If for you I have lived weeping,

Let my death be joyful!


X – Well let there be the Lujanera! [girl from Luján]


Blessed the Lujanera!

So fine and beautiful

Fragrant as orange blossom

And fresh as an orange!


XI – In San Luis don't fall in love


In San Luis don't fall in love

If you don't want to cry later

That puntana's love is brave

Like the chorrillero wind. [a cold and dry wind  from San Luis]


XII – The little Chapel of Renca [San Luis Village]


In Renca my mother prayed,

I learned to pray in Renca.

The children that God has given me

For me in Renca they will pray.


XIII – Snowbird


Little bird of the snow go

Say to my girl

To take for your soul

And let hers fly.


XIV – In vain will you’ll look for me


In vain will you’ll look for me

Through hills, pampas [large treeless plains] and woods.

I don't want you to know

That in Cuyo [central west region of Argentina] the men cry!


XV – A patay [carob sweets] smells the moon


A patay smells the moon,

The wind and the loneliness

And even the verses I sing

Are smelling of patay.


Cantares Tucumanos (Tucuman Songs)


From the mountain to the river

Comes a stone rolling down

So it comes to you

My heart falling down.



Put on the white dress,

Put on the sky-blue mantle

And ask the Virgin

To unite us forever.



Give me, give me your pretty little lips

Give it to me, give it to me I want to kiss them.

And you gave me that kiss

And you gave me no more.


Cantares de Cuyo (Songs of Cuyo [central west region of Argentina])


I – From the rose bush that the rose is born


From the rosebush the rose is born

And from the rose the bud

To form the bouquet

I still need your love.


The one who dictates to you is me

The one who adores you is my soul;

The one who loves you, and dreams of you

You know what his name is.


You are one and you are two,

You are three and you are four;

You are the beautiful woman

Who pours her charms on me.


II – Triste me voy a los campos


Sad I go to the fields;

For moments and for hours,

To see if I can find the dear one

That my heart adores.


I ask the stars

To tell me where she lives

And they answer me crying:

Far from your sight.


If you feel bells tolling

Don't ask who died;

For being far from you

Who should it be, if not me.


III – You'll remember everything


You will remember everything

When you will want to forget me,

That your eyes bought me

With the price of looking at me.


Wasn't it you who said

That first you had to see

The stars on the ground

Than to stop loving me?


Remember that you put

Your hands on mine

And crying you told me

That you would never forget me.


IV – If you believe my soul


If you believe my soul

Capable of any feeling

Judge the pain that I feel

In separating from you.


I'm going to leave and I can't

Make a calm departure

Because I feel that my soul

Wants to stay here.


I'm leaving at last but taking with me

The dearest memory

Of the hours I have lived

Without separating from you.


Hours of sweet memories

Without regrets, without anger,

That in the sky of your eyes

Only charms I saw.


I carry in my breast guarded

In secret a steadfastness

To whom I made a promise

Not to forget you.


And when I part I would like

That something in your brest would remain

From me and would incline you

Not to forget me.


I'm going to leave you now

There's no comfort for me now;

I'm going to search longingly


I know I won't find it

because there is no remedy

For a soul that is sad

For bad correspondence.


You gave me the malady

And you didn't want to heal it.


V – It’s not possible, it’s no possible


It’s not possible, it’s not possible

To forget what you love

Because a true love

Only dies in the grave.


If your love were equal

To my passion so grown up

With more reason I would say to you:

I love you with soul and life.


I love you with soul and life,

With determination and method;

The way I love you

No one can love you.


I love you more than my eyes

More than my eyes I love you

In My eyes I love you more

Because my eyes have seen you.


VI – I have dreamed of you


I have dreamed of you, my life,

In the arms of someone else's master,

And I believe that with my life

I'm going to pay for that dream.


A dream is never a lie

If love is true

Don't forget who loves you

In the deepest dream.


I have dreamt you, oh, what a pain

That to another, you yielded caresses;

Enjoying other flatteries

I have dreamt of you, my life.


VII – Sympathetic loves


Sympathetic loves

You will always find them,

But a love like mine

You'll never find, my love.


Never, my love, will you find

Who, like me, will die for you;

You shall find one who loves you well,

Nor one who loves thee more.


You shall have fine lovers

Who adore you with sleeplessness

But greater than my longing

You will never, my love, never find.


Never, my love, will you find

And in deep silence...

Oh, if what I want has an owner

I don't want to be in this world.


VIII – The Dawn


I love an ungrateful woman

With a love with no equal

With my heart I tell her:

Let's go enjoying the world.


Don't fall asleep, my darling,

Don't fall asleep, my adored one,

They come announcing the day

The dawn.


Let's enjoy the world

Before the world ends,

Whoever does not enjoy the world

Knows nothing about it.


Don't fall asleep, my darling,

Don't fall asleep, my adored one,

They come announcing the day

The dawn.


I ask her if she loves me

She answers that she doesn't know

I demand the answer

Before the world ends


Don't fall asleep, my darling,

Don't fall asleep, my adored one,

They come announcing the day

The dawn.



Suitable for ages 14+
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